The World's Original Electric JetBoard | Radinn Demo Day

On 08/19/22 & 08/20/22 Jet Brada came to town & ohh man did we Surf! Looking at these photos will give you serious FOMO (fear of missing out) Because we had great weather, great company and great surfing!
Are in interesting in a Radinn Electric Surf Board?
Choose your Style | Explore | X-Sport | Free Ride | Carve | or Build our own board.
It’s time you find adventure in your own backyard. See your neighborhood with new eyes. Explore nature in new ways. It’s time you venture beyond the shoreline. Discover uncharted waters. Make every road the road less travelled. The time is now to seek experience and stay curious. To play in any pond, lake, or stream. It’s time to dive in, create a splash, and cause a ripple effect for the whole world to see. MAKE WAVES!
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Special thanks to James & Josh @JetBradaOffical (on Instagram) &
The very talented Darrel Comeau for all the images @DarrelComeauPhotography on Facebook!